If your children becomes unwell at school and is upset or not able to cope with lessons, we will contact you and ask you to come and collect them. Children are best kept at home until they are quite well enough to return to school. To avoid the spread of illness, please keep your child at home at least 48 hours following sickness and diarrhoea. If your child has an infectious or contagious disease it is important that the school is informed and a doctor’s clearance obtained before returning to school. If your child feels unwell or sustains a minor injury while at school, they will be taken to our on-site clinic and examined by the school nurse. In the event of your child sustaining an injury that requires hospital treatment, we will consult your child’s individual emergency information, and you will be contacted.If necessary, your child may be taken to the hospital indicated on the emergency sheet, and you will be expected to meet us there. The Parental Consent Form will accompany your child so that immediate treatment may be given.It is very important that you keep these details up to date. The closest hospital to our school is the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. The contribution of the school is the maximum amount of 10,000 baht per visit.
It is essential that we have your up-to-date home and mobile telephone number and also an emergency contact number where we can reach a family member quickly.
1Under no circumstances may a parent bring a sick child to the school if the child shows any signs of illness (see; Symptoms Requiring Removal from School) or is unable to participate in the normal school activities (including being able to play outside). Sick children may expose all children and staff members who they come in contact with an infectious illness. These people can in turn expose the other children.
2Every effort is taken to reduce the spread of illness by encouraging hand washing and other sanitary practices.
However, in the event of a child becoming ill and needing to be collected, the parents will be called and should come to pick the child up within one hour (60 minutes) of receiving notification.
3It is very important that you arrive promptly to collect your child who is being sent home due to sickness and that you do not send the child back to school until they have fully recovered. If other children become ill due to exposure to your sick child other parents will be unnecessarily inconvenienced and it could lead to further infections.
4For the benefit of our staff and other children, a sick child will not be permitted to return to school for 24 hours after they are free of symptoms.Children receiving antibiotics may return 24-48 hour after they have received the first dose of antibiotics or as recommended by their doctor. Allergy related symptoms, and non-communicable illnesses do not require exclusion if you have a note from your doctor.
5Symptoms Requiring Removal
from School:
6If a child exhibits any of the following symptoms listed below, he/she should not attend school. If such symptoms occur at school, the child will be removed from the classroom and you will be called to take them
7If your child has a fever or vomiting in the evening, he/she needs to stay home for at least 24 hours. If your child
is removed from school for a fever, vomiting, diarrhoea , or any other infectious illness, they may not return.
8A child presenting with signs of conjunctivitis (red eye with discharge) should be collected from school and taken to hospital. A medical certificate should then be sent to the school nurse on their return.
9Once the child has been symptom-free, a note stating that he/she no longer poses a health risk to themselves or others is required for them to return to school. If the child has been ill for longer than 3 days, a medical certificate is required before returning to school to show that they are well enough to attend again. The child must be symptom-free for 24 hours prior to returning.”
10If a child contracts any of the following diseases (see Excludable Diseases), please report it to us immediately. The child may not return to school until they have been declared fit to do so by a doctor. You must provide us with a doctor’s note on confirming their fitness to return.