The MIS Commitment-Ensuring a Secure Drop-off for Every Child


To ensure their well-being during drop-off, we have implemented a comprehensive system that involves constant updates and monitoring of parent vehicle registration numbers, vehicle make, and types. The responsibility of managing this falls upon our dedicated MIS Safety Drop team, who work tirelessly to maintain an up-to-date record of authorized parent vehicles.

To facilitate a seamless and secure process, we have installed an automatic number gate recognition system. This cutting-edge technology ensures that only authorized parent vehicles are granted access to our premises, guaranteeing the safety of our students. By limiting entry to approved vehicles, we create a controlled environment that minimizes the potential risks and dangers associated with unauthorized access.

Furthermore, at each of our Four Drop Off Points, we have a team of committed staff members specifically assigned to oversee the safety of our students upon their arrival at school. These highly trained individuals are present to guide parent vehicles to designated safe locations within the premises. Once parked, they assist in opening the car doors and unfastening seat belts or other safety harnesses, ensuring the safe disembarkation of the child.

Our dedicated staff members also take care to ensure that no student’s belongings, such as backpacks or other personal items, are inadvertently left behind in the vehicle. This attention to detail not only helps in safeguarding the possessions of our students but also promotes a smooth transition from the vehicle to the school premises.

By efficiently managing the drop-off process, our aim is to minimize waiting times for parents in the drop-off queue. We understand the importance of time and strive to create an environment where all parents can safely and promptly drop off their children without unnecessary delays or disruptions.

We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of safety for all MIS parents and students. Our comprehensive approach to drop-off procedures not only maximizes the well-being of our students but also minimizes any potential disturbances for parents.

At MIS, we’re dedicated to creating a future where safety and efficiency drive innovation. It’s not just about the destination; it’s about ensuring a secure journey for all.

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