Shaping Futures, Expanding Minds – Your Journey to Excellence Starts Here at MIS Secondary.


(Year 7-13) adolescents from 11 to 18 years old. In Key Stage 3, 4 & 5 children continue with the Cambridge International Curriculum which is taught by subject teachers.

The M.I.S. curricula are designed to encourage each child to achieve their highest potential as well as to meet the English Curriculum standards. The focus is on the physical, psychological, intellectual and social development of the child.

The M.I.S. Secondary School is geared toward 11 to 18 years old. We start with the Cambridge International Curriculum as the foundation and we supplement it with important ideas from other national and international sources in order to create well-grounded critical thinkers. There are a number of activities and tasks which encourage high achievement and academic success. All the pupils are encouraged to embrace a broader view of their world as they mature into their teen years.

the Head of SECONDARY

Mr. Adam Gorski​

​Head of Secondary School

May I extend a warm welcome to you and trust that you find the information about our Secondary School to be both informative and inspiring!

My name is Adam Gorski and it is my role, and that of every teacher in secondary, to help your child achieve their potential and grow into responsible, balanced and caring young adults. We aim to achieve this through developing and nurturing each and every student through the broad and balanced curriculum that we offer.

In addition to the core courses our secondary curriculum enables every student to enjoy and develop their passions and interests in a wide variety of practical subjects such as Music, Drama, Design Technology, Art, Computing and Physical Education.

Moreover, our extra- curricular program gives students more opportunities to grow, learn and have fun while learning new skills and participating in sports; we have a strong sporting tradition in football, basketball, volleyball, and swimming here at MIS. Academically, we are proud of the opportunities we provide for our students throughout secondary school and our IGCSE and A- Level programmes have helped prepare many students for university, both in Thailand and further afield.

Children really can achieve so much at MIS!

As a secondary school we have a lot to offer and I feel it is a great place for your children to learn.

Please do not hesitate to contact me or our Admissions Team for further information.

Secondary Curriculum


The educational approach in England creates a significant change for students at the secondary level. Not only do they usually enroll in a different school but they are also then taught by different subject teachers rather than the single class or ‘homeroom’ teacher typical of primary schools.

As our approach is broadly adapted from the English national curriculum, it is not surprising that we mirror many of these changes although our students have the advantage of staying on the same campus and continuing the relationships and support networks they have formed in the primary school.

We are very focused on providing continuity and consistency of approach throughout the school and this applies equally to the transition from primary to secondary school. Our upper primary staff works closely with their secondary school colleagues to arrive at a shared understanding of where the students are at, both academically and personally, as they enter the secondary school and to provide challenging targets and appropriate support for each one.

The secondary school has a longer school day than primary and students are expected to work more independently and take more responsibility for their learning. Some of the subjects require the completion of assignments that involve independent research and data collection. However, we are equally concerned with encouraging the spiritual, moral, cultural, and physical development of our pupils and we actively encourage participation in a range of sports and arts activities as well as timetabling citizenship and religious education lessons.

Cambridge International Education consists of the following subjects;

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Geography
  • History
  • Citizenship
  • Music
  • Drama
  • Physical Education
  • Computing
  • Design & Technology
  • Art and Design
  • Religious Education
  • Chinese
  • Thai Language and Culture
  • Additional Educational Needs (AEN)
  • English Language Support (ELS)

Additional Educational Needs Learning Support(AEN)

We operate an inclusive admissions policy at MIS and, therefore, are happy to welcome students who may need a degree of moderate learning support for an additional educational need (AEN). An additional educational need may include developmental conditions such as Autistic Spectrum disorder (ASD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), conditions which present specific learning challenges such as Dyslexia or a wide range of other factors that can affect a child’s ability to make the most of their time at school. If a student applying for admission has a pre-existing AEN we will arrange for them to be seen by our Additional Needs Coordinator (AENCo). The AENCo will make a recommendation as to whether or not the school will be able to provide the level of support that particular student will need. Having received the AENCo’s advice the admissions team will then make a determination that balances the best interests of the student against those of the other students and of the wider school community.

If a student is assessed as needing AEN support, either during the admissions process or after joining the school, it is a condition of their continued acceptance at MIS that they receive that support until such time as the AENCo no longer deems it necessary.

Depending on the specific needs of each student, AEN support will either be provided in a small group or by a dedicated one-to-one learning support assistant (LSA)

If we consider it necessary for a student to receive full-time, one-to-one support in the classroom, an additional fee will be charged to cover the costs of this arrangement.

The cost of this fee will vary from case to case, so the school will advise you of the precise amount when such an arrangement is being discussed.

YEAR GROUPs Moderate support
(Per term)
Intensive Support
(per term)
Year 1 – 2 15,000 baht 20,000 baht
Year 3 – 6 20,000 baht 25,000 baht
Year 7 – 13 55,000 baht 30,000 baht

English Learning Support (ELS)

No matter when they join MIS, we set out to provide all of our students with the best possible chance to realise their potential and achieve academic success. It is, therefore, very important that we are able to provide the right level of support for those children who show an aptitude for learning but may be behind their peers in their level of English language ability.

All prospective students will be asked to take an English Proficiency test as part of our admissions procedure. These are tests used to determine whether or not a student needs extra English lanugage support to meet the demands of a curriculum that is delivered entirely in English.

If a student is assessed as needing ELS, either during the admissions process or after joining the school, it is a condition of their continued acceptance at MIS that they receive that support until such time as they are able to fully participate in all of their regular lessons.

There is an additional fee for ELS provision depending on the level and intensity of the appropriate programme. Under the moderate support programmes students would attend between 2 and 4 ESL lessons per week. The intensive programme, for students whose English language ability is especially underdeveloped, provides for 5 to 10 lessons. The level and frequency of ELS lessons will be decided by the ELS teachers in collaboration with the ELS coordinator.



Not only do they usually enroll in a different school but they are also then taught by different subject teachers rather than the single class or ‘homeroom’ teacher typical of primary schools.

At MIS as our approach is broadly adapted from the English national curriculum, it is not surprising that we mirror many of these changes although our students have the advantage of staying on the same campus and continuing the relationships and support networks they have formed in the primary school.

At MIS we are very focused on providing continuity and consistency of approach throughout the school and this applies equally to the transition from primary to secondary school. Our upper primary staff work closely with their secondary school colleagues to arrive at a shared understanding of where the students are at, both academically and personally, as they enter the secondary school and to provide challenging targets and appropriate support for each one.

The educational approach in England creates a significant change for students at the secondary level.

At MIS the secondary school has a longer school day than primary and students are expected to work more independently and take more responsibility for their learning. Some of the subjects require the completion of assignments that involve independent research and data collection.

At MIS we are equally concerned with encouraging the spiritual, moral, cultural, and physical development of our students and we actively encourage participation in a range of sports and arts activities as well as timetabling citizenship and religious education lessons.

At MIS as the students progress through the secondary level the focus gradually starts turning more towards the requirements of the statutory examinations that are held at the end of Year 11. 

At MIS learning skills and inquiring minds are at the heart of the Montessori System and by learning how to learn, our Students are best prepared to use the knowledge and skills they need for their future.

At MIS we believe that our students are empowered to be the future change makers, the critical thinkers who can recognize the issues and challenges ahead in the world.


Together for Wellness: Guiding Minds, Supporting Needs, Nurturing Health.”

At M.I.S., student welfare is paramount. Our dedicated team includes counsellors for both primary and secondary levels, offering support for emotional health and personal challenges. They also engage in outreach and are available for appointments.

Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCOs) in both departments assist students with learning challenges, disabilities, or medical conditions, and offer guidance on study habits. Parents and students can reach out to them for support.

For physical health, our qualified school nurses provides advanced first aid, treatment for various health issues, and preventive health advice. In case of serious illness or injury at school, the nurse ensures prompt care and necessary arrangements for further medical attention. It is crucial for parents to inform the nurse about any medical conditions, medications, disabilities, or allergies about their child.

“MIS Secondary: Cultivating Compassion, Celebrating Growth”

Both the Primary and Secondary departments also have a SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) – Ms. Loverly Bucad in Primary and Mr. Kenneth Bernaldez in Secondary. Our SENCOs are responsible for assisting students who experience learning difficulties, those who may have disabilities or medical conditions that may affect their learning, and students who may need assistance with organizing their study habits. Students may be referred to our SENCOs by their teachers, or may also approach them for assistance. Should you wish to discuss any issues with your child’s learning with our SENCO team please feel free to get in touch.

To ensure the physical safety and well-being of our students, we have a fully qualified nurse, Ms. Marmie Poran, as an essential part of our team. Our nurse is able to offer advanced first aid and initial treatment for a range of illnesses and injuries, as well as advice on health, illness and injury prevention. Should your child sustain a serious illness or become seriously ill at school, our nurse will provide initial assistance before either arranging for the child to be sent home or transported to hospital. If your child has a medical condition, takes regular medication, has any form of disability or is allergic to anything, it is essential that you advise our school nurse of this in writing.

Secondary FAQ’s

We understand that starting school is a very important first step for all children and here at MIS, we take great care to provide a welcoming and friendly environment for all our children. The Secondary Teaching Staff are experienced in ensuring the transition to school goes smoothly and children are quickly integrated into their respective classes.

Q: What time does the school day start and finish?

 A: The secondary school starts at 8:10 and finishes at 3:30.

Q: My child is struggling with English language development, will they receive any extra support?

A: Yes, our ELS team provides various types of support at each year level, ranging from inclusive classroom applied strategies, to additional classes of students for differentiated tuition focused on the basics of word decoding, phonetic and communication skills.

Q: Do you have SEN provision and are you an inclusive school?

A: Yes, of course! We have a separate department for student welfare and counselling.

Q: What extra-curricular clubs and activities do you offer?

A: We have a very broad range of ECE clubs ranging from Homeroom English and math tuition, to the arts, music, choir, sports and ICT clubs. Our ECE clubs run from 4pm-5pm each school day.

Q: Do you have any school sports teams?

A: Yes, we continue to grow our secondary Sports programme and our students take great pride in representing MIS against other schools. We currently offer boys and girls coaching in basketball, volley-ball, football and swimming, which takes place from 5pm-6pm each school day.

Q: What is the standard class size?

A: Our standard class limit is 25 students per class.

Q: Do you set, group or stream students by ability?

A: Currently, students are only taught in completely different sets during Thai class. Teachers will generally differentiate their lessons to ensure specific learning levels are accommodated.

Q: Is there a school uniform schedule?

A: Yes, school uniform can be purchased from the school uniform store, located near the main school office building. The schedule of what students should wear each day will be shared by homeroom teachers/assistants at the start of each term.

Q: Do you have a secondary counselor?

A: Yes,we have a secondary counselor. He is very passionate about ensuring students know they have someone to talk to in times of need. Mr. Andrews is also our Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Q: Do you have a secondary assembly each week?

A: Yes, primary assembly takes place at 9am every Monday morning. We celebrate our students’ birthdays, achievements and performances and it is a wonderful way to start off each week.

Q: What should my child bring to school each day?

A: Homeroom teachers and assistants will provide a list specific for each class but in general; a water bottle, a pencil case with stationary selection, school folder and swimming/PE kit when required.

Q: What curriculum do you follow?

A: We follow the English National Curriculum and we meet the set standards through a variety of resources including, but not limited to; Cambridge, Collins and Nelson exercise and textbooks. Twinkl is also a very widely used online resource which gives our teachers access to additional worksheets, power-points, games and quizzes across all subjects.

Q: How often will I receive a report for my child?

A: In secondary school we will send home two reports: at the end of Term 1 and Term 3.

Q: Do you have parent-teacher conferences?

A: Yes, we have a parent-teacher conference in Term 1 to establish the relationship between parents and teachers. A further parent-teacher conference is held at the end of Term 2 to provide parents and students advice on areas to focus on ahead of end of year exams, which take place in Term 3.

The school has a new CCTV system installed around the school and nobody is allowed on site without an identification lanyard.

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