Complaints Policy


Mooltripakdee International School (MIS) is committed to building positive relationships with all its parents and other stakeholders. We do, however, acknowledge that on occasion there may be an issue that may result in a complaint being brought forward by a parent who is not happy about some aspect of their child’s education or has a concern about the school. The school takes all such complaints seriously and MIS will always act in a fair, open and responsive manner in order to achieve a quick and satisfactory resolution to any issue that has been raised.

Policy Aims and Objectives

  • To ensure a concern or complaint is dealt with in a consistent, fair and open process.
  • To ensure a timely and thoughtful response to any concern or complaint with the intention of preventing any escalation of the issue. In all cases the interests of the child will be central to the complaint process.
  • To encourage the resolution of complaints by informal means whenever possible.
  • To keep an accurate and confidential record of all complaints and the way in which they have been resolved.


Most complaints can be dealt with at this level through informal discussion with the member of staff involved, a Head of Department or a member of the senior management team. Face-to-face meetings are encouraged with the concerned staff member. MIS would expect that most complaints can be resolved in this way.



If the complaint cannot be resolved informally the complaint must be referred in writing to the Head of Primary or the Head of Secondary; if the matter concerns either of these Heads then it should be made to the Head of School. All written complaints should clearly state the reason for the concern/complaint and how it could be resolved in the complainant’s opinion. The appropriate Head will contact the complainant after receiving a written complaint to clarify the issue and move towards arranging a face-to-face meeting, or further investigation of the matter. It would be hoped that a satisfactory outcome can be achieved quickly, with an official letter being signed by all involved parties (with each receiving a copy) to indicate a successful resolution of the complaint.


If a resolution cannot be achieved during Stage 1 the complaint should be referred to the Head of School; if the complaint is against the Head of School, it should be forwarded to the school owner. The Head of School will contact the complainant to clarify the issue and what they wish to achieve. A face-to-face meeting can be arranged and if any further investigation of the complaint is required (such as talking to staff members and/or students) this should be completed within five days. On concluding any further enquiries all concerned parties should agree on a satisfactory resolution of the issue. All parties involved would sign an official letter documenting the nature of the complaint and agreement for its resolution, with copies issued to all concerned.


If Stage 2 fails to resolve the issue, then the school can assemble a Complaints Committee made up of unconnected members of staff as a last resort, all other avenues having failed to reach a successful resolution. The Head of School will appoint an unconnected member of the leadership team to Chair this committee to gather evidence and interview staff/students.A detailed report will then be submitted to the complainant prior to the Chair of the Complaints Committee, the Head of School and any directly affected staff member meeting them to discuss the issue. The Chair will present his/her findings and give all parties the chance to voice their opinions on the matter and ask questions. The aim of this committee stage is to ensure all parties are treated fairly and to arrive at a decision within five days of the meeting. The Committee will forward it considered resolution of the complaint, with the inclusion of a written statement outlining the reasons for arriving at this decision, to the affected parties. It is hoped all sides would accept this final school decision in the matter.

Please note: The school reserves the right not to consider complaints made more than one year after the incident/situation.

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Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

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