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As the holiday season approached, Mooltripakdee International School transformed into a festive wonderland, embracing the spirit of Christmas with open arms. The school’s commitment to cultural diversity was beautifully highlighted in its celebration of this universally cherished holiday, creating a magical atmosphere that brought joy and warmth to students, faculty, and families alike.

Decking the Halls:

The anticipation of Christmas was palpable as the school decked its halls with vibrant decorations, twinkling lights, and festive ornaments. Classrooms became cozy havens of holiday cheer, with students contributing to the festive ambiance through art projects, handmade ornaments, and creative displays that showcased the diversity of Christmas traditions around the world.

International Christmas Trees:

A unique feature of Mooltripakdee International School’s Christmas celebration was the array of international Christmas trees displayed throughout the campus. Each tree was adorned with decorations representing different countries, reflecting the school’s commitment to embracing the global tapestry of its student body. From Japanese origami ornaments to Mexican papel picado, the trees served as a visual reminder of the rich cultural mosaic within the school community.

Cultural Exchanges and Storytelling:

In the spirit of cultural exchange, students participated in storytelling sessions where they shared festive tales from their respective cultures. These sessions not only enriched the holiday experience but also provided a platform for students to learn about the diverse customs and celebrations observed around the world during the Christmas season.

Winter Concert Extravaganza:

The highlight of Mooltripakdee International School’s Christmas festivities was undoubtedly the Winter Concert Extravaganza. The school’s auditorium came alive with the sounds of holiday classics, international carols, and festive performances that showcased the incredible talents of the students. From traditional choir renditions to multicultural dance numbers, the concert was a celebration of unity in diversity, spreading the joy of the season through music and art.

Community Service and Giving Back:

In the true spirit of Christmas, Mooltripakdee International School encouraged students to participate in community service initiatives and give back to those in need. From organizing food drives to creating handmade cards for local charities, the school instilled the values of compassion and generosity in its students, fostering a sense of responsibility towards the broader community.

Christmas Feast and Potluck:

The celebration reached its pinnacle with a festive Christmas feast and potluck. Families from diverse backgrounds contributed dishes that reflected their cultural traditions, creating a culinary experience that transcended borders. The shared meal became a symbol of unity, as students and their families sat together to enjoy a delicious spread that highlighted the richness of global cuisine.


Christmas at Mooltripakdee International School is not just a celebration of a festive season; it is a testament to the school’s commitment to fostering a sense of unity, understanding, and appreciation for diverse cultures. Through a blend of decorations, performances, cultural exchanges, and community service, the school creates a magical environment that reflects the true spirit of Christmas – a season of joy, love, and coming together. As the school community embraces the holiday season with open hearts, it leaves an indelible mark on the memories of students, shaping their understanding of the world and the importance of celebrating diversity.

Posted in School event, Christmas